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Company Profile

"we talk your language - we deliver your message"

BioPic Productions is directed by Dr Andrew Pinder, who founded the company. A multi-skilled scientist, he has a degree in physics from the University of Oxford and a doctorate in biophysics from the National Institute for Medical Research; he is also a Chartered Engineer. Andrew has been actively involved in media work for over 20 years. His experience includes a spell with Decca International and leadership of a number of highly successful communication projects. Most recently Head of a Laser Biophysics Group with a UK Research Council, he is now concentrating full-time on his media interests. A multi-disciplinary approach is encouraged within the company and all the team have a science or engineering background combined with professional media experience.


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receiving one of the first Millennium Awards from journalist and TV personality Heather Cooper

BioPic Productions has received Royal Society/British Association COPUS and Millennium Awards for innovative science programmes for schools and the general public. Its Cell City project won international acclaim both for its educational value and for its novel use of on-stage, pre-filmed and live-television elements. The European Union has commissioned a number of specialist, multi-lingual training films for the Framework IV Programme, and communication and exhibition projects have been undertaken for Government Departments and corporate clients. BioPic Productions has played a leading role in Science Festivals from Aberdeen in Scotland to Sydney in Australia. Their work has been broadcast on BBC Radios 4 & 5,and BBC TV in the UK, and is available world-wide on CD-ROM.

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at a Governor-General's Reception in Canberra, during the highly successful Cell City tour of Australia



BioPic Productions is based in Norfolk, UK
and can be contacted by e-mail at:
or through the wideangles.tv partnership at:

Whatever your needs, we can conceive, develop and execute the most appropriate solution

"science and technology ... made accessible to all"

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